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Townhouse & Covid-19

You are all awesome!

We are absolutely blown away by the generosity of our KINK attendees! Over 75% of you donated your ticket costs to Townhouse to help ease the pain of them having to close the venue until further notice, and for that we are truly grateful! Pulling together is exactly what we need during this difficult time, and Vic & Jim are touched that so many of you have donated and by the lovely messages you have left!

As well as these ticket donations, a number of you have donated freely into the fund, helping us to boost the total even higher.

We want to say a huge thank you to each and every one of you that has helped to reach this amazing amount!

We’ve also noticed that a number of people outside of our KINK event have kindly started to add to the fund too, pushing the total higher than we could have ever imagined! Therefore, we have opened the donations up to anyone that would like to donate to help reduce the burden of the costs of paying the bills on a closed venue.


Right now, the total is an incredible £1260!

Your generosity is very much appreciated during this uncertain period, and we hope that Townhouse and KINK are back open again very soon!


If you would like to donate to the fund, you can do so on the link below:

Thank you so much, and stay safe Kinksters!